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Diabetic Insulin Side Effects

It is always important to learn about Insulin side effects for diabetics. Insulin is usually very safe, while most people tolerate this product well. However, knowing the potential insulin side effects and how to prevent them will make your experience with insulin a much more consonant.

Insulin is a natural occurring hormone released by the pancreas. Insulin is necessary for the cells of the body in order for them to get rid of and use glucose from the blood. The cells produce the energy that they need from glucose to accomplish their functions.

Patients with diabetes mellitus are unable to assume and use glucose from the blood, hence, as a result, the glucose level in the blood increases. In type 1 diabetes, the pancreas cannot produce enough insulin. Therefore, insulin therapy is needed. In type 2 diabetes, patients produce insulin, but cells throughout the body do not react normally to the insulin. Even so, insulin also may be used in type 2 diabetes to overcome the resistance of the cells to insulin.

By increasing the consumption of glucose by cells and bringing down the concentration of glucose in the blood, insulin prevents or cuts down the long-term complications of diabetes, including damage to the blood vessels, eyes, kidneys, and nerves. Insulin is administered by injection under the skin.

All medicines may cause side effects, but some people could have no, or minor, side effects. Temporary side effects to diabetics could be rashes, redness, swelling, itching, and bruises or mild pain at the injection site. Most common side effects remain or become bothersome when using Insulin regular. Insulin side effects amongst diabetics are rare, but when they do occur, allergic reactions can be severe and can pose a significant risk to health.

Insulin is also known to cause a few different side effects, such as:
1. Low blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia) if too much is taken. Some symptoms include cold sweats, weakness, hunger, palpitations and dizziness. To counter this symptoms, take some glucose like sweat juice or honey.

2. High blood sugar levels (hyperglycemia) if too little is taken. Normally, this happens when meal is skipped after the jab.

3. Weight gain

4. A skin reaction at the site of the injection

5. Skin thickening or pitting or lumpy fat due to loss of fatty tissue at the site of the injection.

Diabetics are advised to regularly check their blood glucose levels using testing kits when taking insulin. If blood glucose tests show fluctuating or above-average levels, this would means that diabetes is not being properly controlled and insulin might not be working.

Diabetics should try to avoid infection by using disposable needles and syringes when taking insulin, and sterilizing any reusable equipment. To avoid other possible Insulin side effects, diabetics should also make an effort to know that some drugs are known to interact with insulin, diabetics should consult their GP for further information.

Diabetes Amputation

Diabetes can cause leg amputation to diabetic even if it is just a cut to the foot. This is normally due to the poor blood circulation in diabetics.

The theory behind diabetes amputation is due to the blood sugars excessive that binds to proteins in the blood vessels which modify its function and structure. This will make the blood vessels less elastic and interferes blood flow.

Diabetes damages blood vessels and make it more attractable to fatty deposit which build up over time, ultimately narrowing or even clogged blood vessels and arteries. Thus, making a wound more difficult to heal. If the wound rots, the limb may required to be amputated. This could be a either an above knee amputation or below knee amputation depending on the seriousness of the wound.

Gangrene will happen and severe the diabetes complications that results from the disease, which includes renal failure and even blindness.

Nevertheless, founding shows that there is a drop in diabetic leg amputations, which is due to more awareness to the disease. If gangrene id detected at the early stage, rectification such as ballooning and stenting can greatly help to save the leg from amputation. Both ballooning and stenting work to widen blood vessels and improve the blood circulations.

Usually, gangrene starts with foot ulcer in diabetic. Hence, leg amputation can be prevented, if diabetic check and take care of the feet properly daily. Proper foot care methods includes wearing proper shoe and shock and keeping the feet dry.

In addition, many diabetics are able to save their feet by changing and control their diet when they found that they have diabetes, which is definitely another prevention from getting diabetes amputation and getting the artificial limbs.

Diabetes Risk Test Show Breastfeeding Reduce Diabetes Risk

A group of researchers in the United States conducted a Diabetes risk test have discovered that breastfeeding mother reduce their lifetime risk of developing Type 2 diabetes, even when they only breastfeed for one month.

There were already other research which have linked breastfeeding and reduce diabetes risk among woman but the new report establishes further association between the two.

Diabetes Risk Test Show Breastfeeding Reduce Diabetes Risk

The test data from 2,333 woman, aged between 40 to 78, provided the information on births, breastfeeding practices for each of their child, the duration of breastfeeding and the history of Type 2 diabetes.

Researchers discovered that 27% of the mums who did not breastfeed developed Type 2 diabetes. These mums were nearly doubly as likely to develop diabetes compared with women who had breastfed or who had never given birth.

There were other studies that have recommended women to breastfeed for six months to see the health benefits of nursing, but this study established significant benefits even with just one month of breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding aids women in losing the worst kind of body fat, the visceral fat. Visceral fat normally accrue during pregnancy. While breastfeeding can assist a new mother lose weight, that's probably not the only explanation for reduce diabetes risk. Lactation also could improve glucose metabolism and insulin resistance and thus slow down the response to growth hormone. All of these effects could add to reduce diabetes risk among women who nurse their babies.

Researchers ascertained that women who breast-fed their children for at least one month developed diabetes at about the same rate as women who had never given birth. But mothers who had never breast-fed were almost twice as likely to develop diabetes. These association was there even after controlling for factors such as family history of diabetes, body mass index and level of physical activity.

The association appears to be related to belly fat. Study found that moms who didn't breastfeed had significantly larger waistline. Prior data has shown that the bigger your waist, the higher your risk of diabetes.

In light of these discovery, it is also critical that new mothers get the support they need whether at home, at work or in the hospital in order to breastfeed.

Carbohydrate Counting Diabetes Diet

Carbohydrate counting diabetes diet is easier than it appear. Recently, diagnosed diabetics may think that sticking to a diabetic diet is daunting but diabetes diet is just a simply a healthy and portion controlled diet. The amount of carbohydrates in diabetic food at each meal or snack can be adjusted to one's carbohydrates allowance.

Having to take note of diabetes diet after being diagnosed as a diabetic is not pleasant at all. However, the good news are that diabetic diet is just a healthy diet which include guidelines on the portion control. Diabetic is free to choose how to spend their carbohydrates allowance according to the guidelines.

For example, giving a 60g of carbohydrate meal allowance, diabetic has the choice of a bowl of noodle soup or a bowl of rice or four slices of wholemeal bread. Collectively, adequate protein, non-starchy vegetable and fat-containing foods can be consumed together.

Newly diagnosed diabetics may need to refer to carbohydrate table constantly but over-time most people will be able to remember the frequently consumed foods carbohydrate count. It is advisable to memorize the carbohydrate count of the frequently consumed foods and also carry the carbohydrate table with you in case any new foods that are not so commonly consumed needs to be order. Visually remembering the recommended food portion will also helps.

Diabetic ought to take note that keeping close on the carbohydrate does not mean that one can consumed protein or fat without any control. While protein is an crucial part of the diet but over excess of it can be detrimental. As our body is unable to store protein, over excess of it is converted to fat. This will make diabetes even harder to control when obesity is formed.

Thus, it is very important for diabetics to select the healthier food choices, counting the carbohydrates when planning their meals.

Pre Diabetes Effects - Warning Signs Diabetes

Pre diabetes is when the blood sugar levels are higher than normal which happen to people before they becomes a diabetic. When a person is experiencing pre diabetes effects, one should treat it as a warning signs of diabetes.

Pre diabetes normally do not have any symptoms. It does not have early symptoms like the diabetes like constant feelings of thirst, frequent urination or fatigue. Hence, sometime the pre diabetes can go undetected before developing into diabetes.

Pre diabetes can be confirmed by conducting a blood glucose test. When the blood glucose levels is higher than normal but not high enough to be classify as diabetes, it is consider to be a pre diabetes stage.

Pre diabetes can have effects on the heart, thus increasing the risk of heart disease even if it doesn't developed into the actual diabetes. This is found to be true as people with pre diabetes often have excess body weight, high cholesterol levels and blood pressure, which are risk factors in the cardiovascular.

Diabetes complication can leads to heart, kidney damage and causing stroke. What is worrying is that now a days, there are more younger people being diagnosed with diabetes which includes children.

The rise in diabetes numbers are mainly due to over consumption of high caloric and low nutrient foods and drinks, as well as over sedentary lifestyle. One ought to take pre diabetes effects seriously, treating it as a warning signs for diabetes since long term complications which include eye, heart, nerve, renal, and etc failure can occur when the condition is not well manage.

Low Carb Diabetic Diet

It will be good if diabetics can know the different types of carbohydrates, but it is more crucial for them to be able to control the amount with a low carb diabetic diet.

Regardless if it is pasta, bread, rice or beans, managing the amount of carbohydrates in a diabetic diet is important. Overly intake carbohydrates will affect the blood glucose levels, which should be strictly under control for diabetics. It could lead to heart, eye and nerve damage in the long term if it is not under controlled.

To control the blood glucose levels, diabetics must learn to understand how carbohydrates work in the body and what type of carbohydrates they should take in more.

Carbohydrates are mainly classified into three main types:

Starches, Fibre and Sugars. Starches and fibre are understand as complex carbohydrates. Rice, barley and corn and are common sources of starch, whereas fibre exist in whole grains and nuts. Normally, complex carbohydrates are being digested more slowly. This enables blood glucose levels to be control. Complex carbohydrates also contain minerals, vitamins and phyto-chemicals, which a nutritional benefits that that rare in simple sugar foods.

Sugars are simple carbohydrates that convert into glucose rapidly in our body. Some of these examples are fructose, which is fruit sugar and those sugar used for making cookie.

However, classifying carbohydrates into two main types - simple and complex is not enough to display how this type of food is processed by the body.

This can be shown using the white bread which is classify as the complex carbohydrate due to it having the starch content, but our body converts this starch to blood sugar seemingly as rapid as it processes pure glucose.

Comparing with the kidney beans, which are also complex carbohydrates, are digested more slowly by our body, allowing a more subtle blood glucose levels change. Hence, to know how carbohydrates really affect the blood glucose levels the Glycaemic index (GI) is introduce.

The glycaemic index (GI) divides food into low, medium and high levels, which is a reliable indicator of how carbohydrates work.

Low GI foods are being digested in our body more slowly and glucose is gradually being release into the bloodstream. These are slow-release carbohydrates mainly beans and legumes and also the oatmeal. But not all low GI foods are beneficial to us. Chocolate has low GI but it nutritional level value is also low.

High GI food can cause blood glucose to spikes. These types of food are fries and white bread. Similarly, many nutritious foods with greater GI value can have better nutritional value than the low GI foods.

Ultimately, one should use balanced GI with basic nutrition principles. Taking note of a food GI is only one area to diabetes management. Diabetics should also note the total amount carbohydrates they have consume as it is the main source for affecting the blood glucose levels, generally they should practice having a low carb diabetic diet.

Memory Supplement Using Insulin

United States researchers discovered that supplying insulin up the noses of early forms of Alzheimer patients show signs of improving their memory.

Insulin is a hormone that is required for the communication between brain cells and is required for brain functionality.

A four months insulin treatment for the patients showed improvements in memory recall during the test which lasted for two months. These findings are very promising and they could warrant future trials.

The test consists of 109 non-diabetic patients with Alzheimer disease or a precursor condition, which is known as mild cognitive impairment. The experiment is to see what would happen if insulin is directly delivered to the brain.

The patients received different doses of insulin supply directly up their nose twice daily for four months using a nebuliser loaded with insulin.

The patients who received lesser dose of insulin display significant sign of improvements on all primary measurements of thinking, memory and their ability to perform daily activities.

Currently no Alzheimer’s drug have been shown to improve memory, more tests and treatments are required to ascertain that memory supplement using insulin.

Breakfast for Diabetics – Three Ideas

This article will talk about breakfast for diabetics and giving you three diabetic breakfast ideas.

First of all, we look at why breakfast is important to diabetic. Our body goes without food when we are sleeping, these will result in lower blood sugar levels in our body. Breakfast will help us restore our blood sugar level. Thus, these will put diabetics at risk if they are skipping breakfast.

Researchers have already classified breakfast as the most important meal of the day whether you are a diabetic or not.

At night our body typically goes without food, which is a source of glucose, for upto 12 hours. This prolong period of fasting in the body mobilizes its glucose stores in the form of glycogen. The gradually breaking down of glycogen help maintains blood glucose levels during the night but the supply of glycogen stores may be used up by the next morning.

This could mean trouble for diabetics who have taken blood glucose-lowering drugs the night before, whereby these drugs could still be effective in the next morning, this will result in blood glucose levels dropping further, increasing the risk of hypoglycaemia or low blood sugar. Hypoglycaemia symptoms include giddiness and irritability. One may even fall into a coma in severe cases.

This is why diabetics should start the day with a new supply of glucose by taking breakfast instead of skipping. A good breakfast will also prevent diabetics from overeating during lunch. Overeating could lead to an increase in their blood sugar levels.

Diabetic should have a well-planned breakfast menu that is nutritionally balanced and provides adequate energy. Diabetics should not avoid carbohydrates.

Some diabetics may avoid carbohydrates thinking that the body converts them into blood glucose. However, carbohydrates are the main source of energy for the body and the only source of energy for the brain.

Hence, it is best to choose slow release carbohydrates food like kidney beans, chickpeas and wholegrain bread. Such foods reduce the possibility for spikes in blood glucose as they are being digested slowly.

Diabetics should also take note to include other food groups, like low-fat protein, fruit and vegetables and a small amount of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, which is commonly known as the good fats.

These following are three breakfast ideas for diabetics:

• Take in breakfast shakes make by low-fat milk, yogurt or soya bean milk, which supply good quality protein and calcium for healthy bones. Diabetic can also add with high-fibre wholegrain cereals (oats or muesli) and blend it with fruit and flax seeds.

• Take sandwiches breakfast with wholegrain bread together with low-fat cheese or lean ham, sliced tomatoes, cucumber and celery. A sandwich with two slices of wholegrain bread, may get up to 5g of dietary fibre or approximately 20% of a daily needs.

• Consume brown rice vermicelli which is higher in fibre and use less oil for frying. Adding vegetables and some firm soya bean cake to it will increase more nutrients, fibre and protein for the breakfast.

Avandia Diabetes Drug Effects Under FDA Scrutiny

News of Avandia diabetes drug effects under FDA scrutiny came early July 2010. Food and Drug Administration committee (FDA) commitee delivered a divide verdict on the diabetes drug Avandia on 14 July 2010. Pressure on Avandia diabetes drug, made by GlaxoSmithKline, mounted as a scientist from FDA questioned the conduct of a trial measuring the cardiovascular safety of the medicine.

GlaxoSmithKline is the maker of Avandia diabetes drug, which is getting heavy fire from both the FDA and the European Medicines Agency. Both drug guard dog will be meeting over the next few weeks to look into multiple disciplines formerly performed on the drug which indicate that it brings up the danger of heart problems in those taking it.

FDA will review over 7,000 pages of data on Avandia to find out if it is really presenting a health risk to those taking it. There has data released from as far back as year 2005 that does in reality present that the drug is unsafe, and GlaxoSmithKline is facing multiple lawsuits as a effect of people getting heart problems from it.

Last year, GlaxoSmithKline released the results of the study, which showed Avandia was not associated with an increment in cardiovascular hospitalisation or cardiovascular death compared with patients receiving two other commonly used diabetes drugs.

GlaxoSmithKline has insisted on the safety of the medication, which is used to control blood sugar levels in diabetics. GlaxoSmithKline overall conclusion was that the data from Record was robust and reliable, and the conduct of the study was done to good clinical practice standards.

Britain's biggest drug company submitter a comprehensive review to the panel showed Avandia was safe, adding that results have been seen from six controlled clinical trials dealing with the cardiovascular safety of Avandia since 2007. Collectively, they indicate that this medicine does not increase the overall risk of heart attack, stroke or death.

However, a study published in 2007 that linked Avandia to an increased risk of heart attacks and other related problems has caused annual sales of Avandia to dropped from about $3 billion in 2006 to about $1 billion.

Presently, Avandia diabetes drug accompanies a warning of increased heart failure risk, and with many diabetic battling their weight. The FDA committe can recommend the drug be withdrawn from the market if it decide that risks associated with the drug greater than its benefits. Despite all the damning data, the drug remains on the market for now.

Diabetes Causes of Heart Disease

Study has shown that diabetes causes of heart disease, diabetics are twice as likely to have heart disease than non-diabetics. Generally, there are 2 types of diabetes:
Type 1 diabetes - a status where the body creates little or no insulin, a hormone that helps to maintain blood sugar levels.
Type 2 diabetes - The body has turn immune to the effects of the insulin it creates. Type 2 diabetes is common.

More Children Are Affected With Diabetes
Approximately 90 percent of diabetics around the world have Type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes usually happens in the middle age, however, more and more young people are being found with Type 2 diabetes.

Children as young as eight years old can be affected by diabetes. However, most cases happens when a child is age 12 or older.

The reason for this increment in numbers among the young of today, is their diet. Unhealthy lifestyles are the result in more people becoming diabetic. Many young people snack frequently on fast food, increasing their risk of getting diabetes. Most fast food, like burgers and fries, are high in fat and refined carbohydrates, which can raise blood-sugar levels and cause obesity. All this put them at higher risk of getting the heart disease.

Heart Attack Risk
People with diabetes have a higher-than-average risk of having a heart attack. Over time, high blood-sugar levels can hasten the accumulation of fatty deposits (cholesterol) on the insides of the blood vessel walls. These deposits could affect blood flow, increasing the chance of clogging up and solidifying of blood vessels (atherosclerosis).

The most common type of heart disease in diabetics is coronary artery disease. Coronary artery disease is a assigned term for the narrowing of heart arteries by Cholesterol deposition and typically involves the major arteries of the heart. Coronary artery disease is more severe in people with diabetes.

It affects both the major arteries as well as smaller ones. When smaller arteries also get clogged up, this is known as small vessel disease. Damage is more widespread. Small vessel disease is more difficult to deal with because they are typically less than 2mm in diameter and are typically not suitable for coronary stents. Stents are the minute scaffolding used to keep the walls of a blocked artery open. Hence, it is vital for young people to cultivate a healthy lifestyle to ward off diabetes.

Besides the heart disease risks associated with diabetes, young people can also face heightening insurance costs. Life assurance probably will become more expensive and hard to acquire. A healthy lifestyle is not difficult to stick to, provided one quits smoking, exercises more and avoids being overweight.

For those who are already a diabetic, effective control over the disease is the key issue. This means visiting a general practitioner or diabetes specialist for medical checkups and maintaining blood-sugar levels in check.

In addition, levels of LDL-Cholesterol, or bad cholesterol, should also be kept low to reduce the risk of heart attacks.

Osteoporosis Fractured Hip – Risk Face by Diabetic

When we think about long-term complications of diabetes, osteoporosis is not one that immediately comes to mind. Researchers have experience an increased risk of Osteoporosis fractured hip in diabetic.

They are recommending that early assessment for loss of bone mass and increased fracture risk, as well as prevention of falls, as part of the management of diabetes. Populations are registering rapid increases in the rates of diabetes and fractured hip

Researched data showed that diabetes is a risk factor for osteoporosis fractured hip. A person with diabetes has about double the risk of hip fracture compared to those without diabetes.

A study found over 5,600 with diabetes and a follow up of over 12 years discovered that over 1200 cases of hip fracture are in this cohort. There was significantly more woman who had hip fractures compared to men.
The study also confirms that the link between diabetes and increased osteoporosis fractures hip risk occurs across different populations with varying lifestyle or genetic make-up.

These discovery will encourage doctors managing diabetes and diabetic patients themselves to for early osteoporosis test to minimize the risk of osteoporosis fractured hip.

Early Symptoms Diabetes - Warning Signs Pre Diabetes

Warning signs pre diabetes, it was reported that 30% Americans are in the pre diabetes. Less than 50% of people do not take even when they have early symptoms diabetes.

What are the pre diabetes symptoms, how should it be prevented and controlled? If your build is fat, has blood pressure or the cholesterol level is excessively. In addition that some members contracted the second diabetes in the family, then you might probably pay attention, because there is a high possibly that you could already suffered from the pre diabetes.

If the condition is not controlled early, it will be momentarily possibly that you might be compelled to have diabetes as your lifelong partner. Without the obvious symptom, the so-called preliminary diabetes (pre diabetes) refers to is diabetes' prelude, the patient, because the body is unable to make the enough insulin, cannot transform the blood sugar for the energy utilizes. This kind of patient, their blood sugar is slightly high, although has not been diagnosed or high enough to be under the classification of diabetes, but because the possibility to suffer from diabetes is high, some may say that it is diabetes “the reserve force”.

An investigation showed that the local preliminary diabetic, suffers from diabetes has a probability to be higher than the entire 4.8 times compared to the average person. The question is, the preliminary diabetes do not have the obvious symptom, this kind of patient usually only discovered that the blood sugar surpasses the normal range is when they go for the health examination, the test blood sugar level.

According to the medical department the national health investigation in 2004, the age is situated between in 18 years old to 69 year-old people, approximately 12% had the sugar tolerance to suffer injury (Impaired Glucose Tolerence, called lGT) problem, belonged to the preliminary diabetic. The investigation is worrying, regardless of diabetes or the preliminary diabetic, has young oriented tendency, more and more young people around the age of 20 years old were discovered to contracts this kind illness, which mainly always appear as 50 year-old senior body's disease.

The preliminary diabetes arouse the medical arena interest, because recent research show that, hyperglycemia are very possible of occurring and affect the blood vessel around the cardiovascular and the circulatory system, as early as in the preliminary diabetes stage. These is why the preliminary diabetic, suffers from the cardiovascular disease's probability, is higher than 1.5 times compared to the average person.

Although it is said that the prevention is better than the treatment, but if unfortunately when discovered to suffer from the preliminary diabetes, this will mean that the condition sooner or later will evolve to the actual diabetes. Normally, 25% preliminary diabetic's condition will get worsen in three to five years. Once the progress reaches this stage, diabetic will needs to take medicine for a long time in order to control the blood sugar level.

It is presume that there are four point of preliminary diabetic to be possible to reverse the condition, which will restore to the normal sugar tolerance condition. Three main point prevention: 1. Pre diabetic may penetrate the control diet, 2. Increase the physiological load of exercise and 3. Lose weight. These three aspects to will be able to start reversing the condition, or postponement the sickness.

In the diet aspect, the patient must reduce the fat, saltiness and the sugar ingestion quantity, the nutrition must be balanced. Coordinate with exercise. The investigation and study show that if one can also reduce 5% to 7% body weight it will be helpful to reduce the preliminary diabetes from evolving into diabetes risk.

If the preliminary diabetic suffers sugar excrement sickness in family history, hypertension or the blood fats and perhaps the preponderancy heavy (BM {body weight index surpasses 23). It is suggested that the patient can take the low dose of metformin which will delay the aggravation of disease. However, it is emphasized that in order to delay the aggravation of disease effectively, the food habit will be more effective than taking the medicine.

To tests whether to contract the preliminary diabetes is to have two blood test: Empty stomach blood sugar examination (fasting plasma test, is called FPG) to need you in preceding late to start to fast, in order to have the early morning blood sugar level test; The oral administration glucose tolerance test (Oral glucOse tOlerance test, is called OGT) similarly to need you have late fasting the day before, but doctor will only test the blood sugar metabolism function after two hours of you intake highly concentrated glucose.

If you discovered that you recently have the polyuria, frequently felt thirsty and the needs to drink water, the easily hungry and the need to eat, the body weight suddenly reduces and so on. This are “the three many and one insufficiency” symptom, there is a possibility that you already suffer from diabetes, it is better to seek medical help as soon as possible.

Three Types of Diabetes:
Type 1 diabetes will attack the immune system, causes the body to be unable metabolism the blood to the body, both children and the adult are possible of contracting it.

Type 2 diabetes, the body loses the utilization of insulin ability, causes confusion to the pancreas thus creating unusual problems to have the insulin secretion. Normally, overweight people are easy to suffer from this kind of diabetes.

Pregnancy diabetes or gestational diabetes - It happens during the pregnancy period, but usually will then vanish after the childbirth.

Gestational Diabetes - Mum Diet Problem

A study by the journal Diabetes Care found that gestational diabetes lie in mum's diet problem. Mothers who developed diabetes while pregnant also increase their risk when being overweight.

The researchers are set out to determine the impact of gestational diabetes – diabetes that develops during pregnancy. It is found that children born to obese mothers are more likely to have a weight problem than children born to lean mothers. A mum’s weight contributes to their child’s risk of being overweight and developing insulin resistance. Insulin resistance is a precursor to diabetes.

They found that a mother’s weight early in pregnancy was the strongest predictor of her child’s overweight status and resulting insulin resistance. Result shows that far more children of obese mothers were overweight than children of non-obese mums at the age two, eight and 11. Children whose mothers developed diabetes while pregnant were at increased risk of being overweight by the age of 11.

The fact that a mum was diabetic only partially explained her child’s tendency to be overweight. Adding obesity to the equation made a big difference. It led researchers to conclude that children born to obese women with gestational diabetes may be programmed in the womb to be overweight and prone to type-2 diabetes, which typically occurs in middle-age. Combating childhood obesity may have to start in the womb.

The best advice is to get lean and fit before you get pregnant, thus reducing the risk of getting gestational diabetes and also help your child from subjecting to diabetes.

Diabetes Type 2 Meal Plan

Diabetes type 2 meal plan is a diabetic meal that is a healthy balanced diet with appropriate inter-mixture of proteins, carbohydrates, and fats that supply essential nutrients in addition to produce an even release of glucose into the blood of a diabetic. Diet for diabetic is not just a diet that is free from “sugars”. It is highly recommended that diabetic should work directly with a Registered Dietitian or Certified Diabetes Educator to obtain a comprehensive training in diabetes self-management. Together, a diabetes meal plan based on diabetes patients health goals, tastes, and lifestyle-as well as the latest guidelines for healthy eating can be developed.

Majority of the food we consume is dilapidated into glucose. By watching what to consume, how much to consume and when to consume diabetic can keep their blood glucose levels within a objective range. For normal people, blood glucose levels are maintained within 70 to 120mg/DL. The level will moves up after eating and return to normal after 1 or 2 hours.

A good diet plan not only help improve blood glucose levels but also help keep the weight on track. Diabetic meal plan differ from person to person due to each nutritional needs, every day activity and the type of diabetes a patient gets. Following are some important indicates suggested by the American Diabetic Association when planning for Diabetes meal plan.

* Admit dried beans (like kidney or pinto beans) and lentils into diabetes meal plan.

* Consume lots of fruits and vegetables.

* Include fish in meals about 2-3 times a week.

* Take water and calorie-free "diet" drinks instead of regular sugar-sweetened drinks.

* Consuming too a good deal of even healthful foods can lead to weight gaining. Observe the portion sizes.

* Cut down on high calorie foods like chips, cookies, cakes, and full-fat ice cream in Diabetes meal plan.

* Select whole grain foods over processed grain products.

* Select non-fat dairy such as non-fat yogurt, skim milk, and non-fat cheese.

* Opt for lean meats, like cuts of beef and pork that end in "loin" such as pork loin and sirloin.

* Pick liquid oils for cooking instead of solid fats that can be high in saturated and trans fats.

A1C Diagnosis Of Diabetes

The A1C diagnosis of diabetes was introduced in July 2009, whereby international expert committee released a report that brought in the case for applying the hemoglobin A1C assay to diagnose type 2 diabetes. The Expert Committee hoped that these report will function as a stimulus to the international community and professional organizations to study the use of the A1C assay for the diagnosis of diabetes.

Based on the committee, hemoglobin A1c values deviate less than fasting plasma glucose, or FPG, levels, and A1c measurement has technological advantages compared with glucose testing. Additionally, both the FPG test and the less commonly used oral glucose tolerance test, or OGTT, require patients to fast, the A1c test does not.

A1C, also called hemoglobin A1c, and occasionally abbreviated HbA1c, evaluates the amount of glucose that's abstracted to hemoglobin in red blood cells, and generates an estimate of how the blood glucose has been acting in the past 2 to 3 months.

Committee members concluded that applying an A1c cut-point of 6.5 percent or higher to lay down the diagnosis of diabetes was justifiable. According to the committee report, people with an A1c level of at least 6 percent but less than 6.5 percent are likely at high risk for developing diabetes. The committee also stated that A1c values are more static after collection compared with the other tests.

In spite of its advantages, A1c examination hasn't get widely recognized as a diagnostic tool because of its lack of assay standardization. Though expert panels debated this option in 1997 and again in 2003, they recommended against it. The primary obstruction was a lack of standardization of the assay, but that is no longer the case now. In fact, A1C is better standardized than other measurements of glucose. Other advantages of A1C include the fact that it is a more expert indication of overall glycemic exposure over time and that there is substantially less day-to-day variability. From a practical point of view, A1C is a practically easier to measure as it does not involve fasting or timed samplings.

Using the A1C to diagnose diabetes could become a recommended way to make the diagnosis. An International expert committee is urging the A1C assay as the new test for the diagnosis of diabetes. The experts notice that the A1C assay is an accurate, accurate measure of chronic glucose levels and correlates well with the risk of diabetes complications, and has numerous advantages over laboratory measures of glucose, especially that it does not need to be collected fasting.

Adult Onset Diabetes Symptoms

Adult onset diabetes symptoms are also known as Type 2 diabetes symptoms. This type of diabetes accounts for 90 percent of the cases of adult onset diabetes symptoms. It is characterized by diabetic body failure to process sugar in the bloodstream.

Adult onset diabetes symptoms, is associated directly with being overweight, this could due to not exercising and having poor nutritional habits. Diabetes can also runs in your family. It's been discovered that men with diabetes tend to live a sedentary lifestyle, while eating large amounts of high carbohydrates, sugar and fatty food.

Adult onset diabetes symptoms are as follow:
- Blurred vision. Some serious cases may leads to Retinopathy. The degeneration of the retina of the eye, leading to reduced vision or blindness.
- Kidney failure
- Various nervous system disorders. Examples are impaired sensation in the limbs, carpal tunnel syndrome, and impotence.
- Diabetic coma – also known as diabetic ketoacidosis. Severely dehydrated leading to a coma.

It's a fact however that diabetes in men (especially type 2 diabetes) can be prevented. If you have a family history of diabetes you should:
- Be more active or exercise frequently
- Lose weight (if overweight)
- Eat a balanced diet, consuming more fruits, vegetable, whole grains, lean meats and low fat or fat free products
- Go for regular diabetes checked
- Control drinking of alcohol

It is vital that you recognize the adult onset diabetes symptoms before it is out of control. If you have been going through any of the above symptoms and suspect that you may have diabetes, get it ascertained as soon as possible by your doctor. The earlier that diabetes is diagnosed, the better it can be controlled.

Early Symptoms Diabetes

Recognizing early symptoms diabetes certainly can help one to notice the warning signs diabetes and give diabetic the chance to decrease developing into further complications. It will be very helpful with early treatment if necessary to maintain optimum health.

Getting early assistance is key in handling this illness and a lot of doctors believe that diabetes if detected in time, the illness can be kept under control with a few life style modifications along with the information needed to understand the body and what is going on. Often, the early symptoms of adult onset diabetes are so subtle, those exhibiting are not even aware that being a diabetic could be the issue.

Some of the early signs of the diabetic are frequent urination, blurry vision, irritability, extreme hunger, excessive thirst, unusual weight loss and increased fatigue. Sometime these come out together so be attentive and sensitive on how you feel. Unfortunately over 20 + million people now have various forms of the disease. That's almost 25% or 1 out of 4 of our population. Of those one-third do not even recognize it.

If a person is aware of the fact that he or she might fall under the categories of those who are at risk for diabetes, then he or she can observe carefully for any early symptoms diabetes. The high risk categories comprise those who are older than forty-five years old and are carrying excessive weight. Besides, this illness tends to run in the families, so anyone with siblings, parents, or grandparents who have had diabetes is also at risk.

Warning Signs Diabetes Log
1. Are you overweight? Being overweight especially if concentrated in the abdominal area is the most common risk factor for type 2 diabetes.

2. Are you physically inactive? The more inactive you are, the more risk you have for diabetes.

3. Are you Black American, Hispanic American, American Indian, Asian American, Alaska Native or Pacific Islander? People of these races are more likely to develop the condition.

4. Do you have a family history of this condition? Your chance increases when someone in the immediate family has it.

5. Have you developed diabetes while pregnant?

6. Have you given birth to a baby who is more than 9 pounds?

7. Are you over 45 years old? The older you get the higher is the risk to develop this condition.

Diabetes Book

There are several number of diabetes books on the market, or online. Selecting the right diabetes book will reckon on how long diabetic have been diagnosed for, what diabetic need to know about, and how much diabetic are willing to spend.

The diabetes books include the diabetes recipe books or diabetes cook books,diabetes diet books, and maybe the diabetes reference books. There are also a number of niche diabetes books which include children diabetes books and about diabetic complications books.

Diabetes books are a very valuable ways for diabetics to approach detailed support and direction on a variety of diabetes topics like diabetes diet and diabetes exercise. Whether type 1 or type 2 diabetic, diabetes books are a great heplful info resource.

Though there are plenty of diabetes information on the Internet, and some great community resources such as the Diabetes Forum, diabetes books are one method for diabetic to find out more about their condition from the experts.

Example like the Diabetes For Dummies:
Diabetes For Dummies is written by Dr. Alan L. Rubin, MD which cover the latest glucose meters and insulin treatments. The book state straight facts on treating diabetes successfully and living a good life.

If you want to know how to manage diabetes, Dr. Alan Rubin, a leading diabetes expert will gives you authoritative guidance, reassuring in assembling a state-of-the-art treatment program. Readers will learn about all the advances in supervising glucose, the most recent medications, and how to develop a diet and exercise plan to stay healthy. Readers also able to see how to overcome insurance and on-the-job obstacles.

Discover how to:
* Prevent long-term complications
* Get the support you need
* Manage diabetes in children and the elderly
* Reduce the diabetes risk
* Understand the different types of diabetes

See what others are saying on diabetes book:
"Knowledge is power and banishes fear. Diabetes book helped save my sanity."

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"When I was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes in December 2009 I was so shocked and of course very afraid, after talking to the doctor on my second visit she advised me to purchase some Diabetes books. I'm so glad she did and of course I truly do thank her for giving me what I needed to educate myself so I will understand the things that is going on with my body."

"I thought I had a fairly good understanding of Type 2 Diabetes, but I learned a lot more from diabetes book. I verified a lot of information in it."

"My husband is a diabetic, diabetes book helps me to understand how it affects him and things I can help him out with to stay healthy."

Children's Diabetes - 11 Year Old Girl

Video about Type 1 Children's Diabetes by an 11 year old girl.

Children's Diabetes

Children's diabetes Is not common, but there are labeled variations across the world:
* 3 per 100,000 children develop daibetes in Japan
* 43 per 100,000 children in Finland
* 17 children per 100,000 develop diabetes each year, in England and Wales
* The figure in Scotland is 25 per 100,000

There have been a threefold increase in the number of cases of children's diabetes in the last 30 years.

Type 2 diabetes has been seen for the first time in young people in Europe and America. This is likely caused by the increasing trend towards obesity in the society. But obesity doesn't explicate the increase in the numbers of Type 1 diabetes in children - who comprise the majority of fresh cases.

The causes of childhood diabetes is not realised. It likely involves a combination of genes and environmental activates. It seen that the majority of children who develop Type 1 don't have a family history of diabetes.

The main symptoms for children's diabetes are the similar to the adults. The symptoms tend to come on over a few weeks:
* frequent urination
* thirst
* tiredness
* weight loss

Symptoms that are more distinctive for children include:
* behaviour problems
* tummy pains
* headaches

It's crucial to give your child a healthy balanced diet which is high in fibre and carbohydrates. A healthy diet should be equivalent for everyone, whether or not they bear diabetes. How much a child should eat depends on age and weight. The dietician and parents should determine this together. Sweets are no more off restrains because the 'diabetic diet' is now a relic of the past. Once children gets to know how their body responds to eating and taking insulin, sweets in moderation are possible - accompanied by the appropriate dose of insulin.

Physical activity is crucial for children with diabetes, they should try to exercise every day. Physical activity will lower the blood sugar level, so if insulin is taken, reduction in dose may be required. This is because a combination of too much insulin and exercise can lower the blood sugar level and lead to hypos. To anticipate this, children should always carry sugar while exercising. Physical activity will also affects how much the child can eat. Give extra bread, juice or other carbohydrates before the child exercises or plays any sport.

A child who gets diabetes will live with the condition longer than someone who develops diabetes in adulthood. The longer diabetes is acquaint, the higher the risk of long-term complications like those involving the eyes and kidneys. These complications can start after puberty, but are usually a concern only in their later life. Regular checkups for late-stage complications should begin around the age of nine and it should be done annually.

Diabetes News - Diabetes Epidemic Effects

To catch up with living standards in the West by working overtime, China now confronts by a whole new problem: the world’s most adult diabetes epidemic. According to a new study, one in ten Chinese adults already has diabetes and another 16 percent are on the brink of getting it.

The number nearly equates to the United States’ rate of 11 percent and exceeds those for other Western nations, including Germany and Canada. China is now home to the most cases worldwide, with 92 million diabetics, passing India. The survey results, published in the New England Journal of Medicine discovered much higher rates of diabetes than previous studies, mostly because of more stringent testing measures.

The report indicate that diabetes has reached epidemic proportions in the general adult population in China with most cases still remained undiagnosed. Given its large population, China may bear a higher diabetes-related burden than any other country. The report adds that another 148.2 million were regarded to be pre-diabetic, or showing early symptoms of developing diabetes, a condition that could lead to cardiovascular disease, which is China’s leading cause of death.
The alteration is occurring very quickly both in terms of their economy and in terms of their health effects,” said epidemiologist David Whiting at the International Diabetes Federation, who was not involved in the study. ‘The rate of increase is much faster than we’ve found in Europe and in the US.”

Chronic ailments, such as high bleed pressure and heart disease, have been steadily climbing in rapidly developing countries like China, where many people are moving out of farms and into cities where they have more sedentary lifestyles. More wealth has led to diet changes, including consuming heavy salted food, fatty meats and sugary snacks which encourage obesity rates, a major risk factor for Type 2 diabetes, which accountings 90 percent to 95 percent of all diabetes cases among grown ups.

As nations consume more high-calorie and processed foods united with less exercise, we see an increase of diabetes patients,” said cardiovascular professor Huang Jun at the Jiansu People’s Hospital in Nanjing, capital of northern ChIna’s Jiangsu province, who also did not participate in the study.

“Whereas 20 years ago, people took naps during the work week but now people are faced with the stress of making more money to support a Family and buying a house.”
Previous studies over three decades have presented a gradual climb in China’s diabetes rates. The sharp rise in the latest study, done from year 2007 to 2008, is mostly explained by more stringent testing methods, said lead author Yang Wenying from the China-Japan Frieindship Hospital In Beijing. The study was based on a sample of more than 46,000 adults aged 20 years or older from 14 provinces and municipalities which was representative of the entire population, said the author.

Former nationwide analyses only relied on one blood sugar tolerance test, while this survey got many more cases by ascertaining levels again two hours later, an approach recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO). The study found more than half of the people with diabetes did not know they had it. Dr Yang said she was alarmed by the findings, and China’s Ministry of Health has been alerted. She said there will be programs to promote a national prevention strategy. The WHO estimates that diabetes, heart disease and stroke will cost China US$558 billion between years 2006 and 2015.

Diabetes occurs when the body is ineffective to regularise blood sugar. It is a major risk component for the heart disease, which persists as the biggest killer in the world’s most populous nation.

Diabetes Facts

Here are some important diabetes facts, according to the Juveniles Diabetes Research Foundation:

Diabetes occurs when the body’s immune system attacks the cells in the pancreas causing it to stop producing the vital chemcial insulin.

Fact 1 - More than 3 million Americans have the disease.

Fact 2 - It accounts for about 10 percent of total diabetes cases.

Fact 3 - Researchers are unclear what causes the disease.

Fact 4 - Some signs of type 1 diabetes include: extreme thirst and increased appetite; frequent urination, lethargy, sudden vision changes, sudden weight loss and fruity, sweet, or wine-like odor on breath.

Fact 5 - Type 1 diabetes is a lifelong sickness that is typically diagnosed in children, teens or young adults.

Fact 6 - Dissimilar from type 2 diabetes, it can never be handled solely through diet and exercise, although a good diet can aid to maintain blood glucose levels more stable.

Fact 7 - There are 30,000 new diagnoses every year, and approximately 30 to 40 percent are adults.

Fact 8 - Complications can include heart disease, kidney failure, stroke, blindness or even amputation.

Fact 9 - Diabetes can be got rid of with a vegan diet. Dr. Terry Shintani’s results show that a vegan diet can get people off diabetes and cholesterol-lowering medication. Veganism is a type of vegetarian diet that omits eggs, meat, dairy products and all other animal-derived ingredients. Many vegans also do not consume foods that are served using animal products, such as refined white sugar and some wines.

Fact 10 - Eliminating starches from your diet Is not the answer. The American Diabetes Association, ADA, publishes: “Foods that carry carbohydrate raise blood glucose. By observing track of how many carbohydrates you have eaten and fixing a limit for your maximum amount to eat, can help to keep blood glucose levels in the targeted range.” Not all starches are created equal. Some create speedy spikes in blood sugar. According to current theory, implies an extra load on the pancreas, which produces insulin, leading to reduced performance or failure. It also drives the body to become less effective with the way it manages blood sugar. What is crucial is the rate at which these foods have on the blood level alterations.

Fact 11: Asians and Polynesians have the lowest incidence of diabetes in the world. Based on the 2010 statistics from the IDF, International Diabetes Federation, the US, Canada and Carribean region has an 11.7% prevalence of diabetes. Most of Asia - including Japan, Thailand, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, China and the Pacific, like Australia, New Zealand, Fiji, Tonga, Samoa, etc. have only a 5% incidence, the second lowest in the world. Africa has the lowest. Simply speaking, nobody knows why is this so! But what we do know is that people who eat their culturally traditional diets have very low incidence of diabetes. Yet when they move to the U.S., their diet changes, and their incidence of diabetes skyrockets.

Understanding Diabetes

Understanding diabetes is not complicated. Speaking of two chemicals in the bloodstream, glucose and insulin, can well explain how diabetes is took form. Most plain foods have some degree of carbohydrates in it. When digested, they convert into glucose, a blood glucose required to develop energy, cell repairing and muscle movements along with a multiple number of other functions. An organ in our body known as the pancreas assists the stomach in digestion and develops a hormone called insulin. Insulin is the driving force that actuates glucose out of the bloodstream and into cells all over the body.

Diabetes is more and more usual and life-threatening condition for which there is no cure yet. However, it is still a very manageable condition. Understanding is the fundamental to arriving at a diagnosis and finding out the proper treatment. The more you know, the easier it will be to make diabetes a very livable condition.

Diabetes саח occurred in a person аt аחу age. Even young children саח gеt affected by diabetes due tο heredity οr οtһеr factors аnd such as type 1 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes usually occurs іח older people and саח bе caused bу obesity, a faulty pancreas οr again due tο heredity.

When the glucose is not moderated or acted normally through the bodies of people, diabetes will form. The reasons can be either the pancreas produces too little or no insulin, or a faulty insulin, which occurs in people with type 1 diabetes, or the pancreas builds sufficient insulin but the body is not able to absorb them into its cells, which occurs in people with type 2 diabetes. Type 1 diabetics are generally children, adolescents, or young adults and comprise of 7% of all diabetes cases in the United States. Type 2 diabetics are largely adults over 60 years of age and accounts for at least 90% of all diabetes cases in this country.

A 3rd type of diabetes occurs in women typically in their sixth or seventh month of pregnancy called gestational diabetes. Their bodies do not ingest glucose normally and they frequently have babies that is over 9 pounds. This type of diabetes is temporary and usually ceases when the baby is delivered.

Wһіlе type 1 diabetes wіll mοѕtly need regular insulin shots fοr tһе rest οf diabetic life, type 2 diabetes may need to take insulin shots οr οחly the insulin adaptable tablets, іf tһе blood sugar count іѕ חοt very high. Tһе diet tһаt diabetic followed wіll аlѕο play a large раrt іn controlling both forms οf diabetes ѕіחсе blood sugar levels can rise significantly аftеr each meal.

Sign Of Diabetes

Most of the times diabetes goes undetected as the sign of diabetes are not perceptible and harmful. Sign of diabetes type 1 and signs of diabetes type 2 are nearly alike. For example, there is an increased blood glucose level and an inadequate amount of glucose in the cells, where it is basically needed, in both cases.

Warning sign of diabetes mellitus include:
Frequent urination, particularly at night, but this symptom alone would not necessarily suggest the disease either. This symptom would also have to get pretty annoying and repeated before it would incite most people to consult a doctor.

Unquenchable or excessive thirst, drinking much more than usual, some diabetics actually wake up in the middle of the night to drink water or other fluids (juices). It seems to go hand in hand with frequent urination. If the body is drawing extra water out of the blood and running to the bathroom more often could lead to dehydration and feel the need to drink more to replace the water lost.

Weakness and fatigue, is a classic sign of diabetes. However, fatigue also goes with many other conditions, some of could be serious and others of could be just simple virus bugs. So fatigue alone is unlikely to send someone to the doctor for a blood test, unless it become debilitating.

Skin infections, injuries that are sluggish to heal, especially sores on the feet and ankles, and repeated vaginal infections (in women), are signs of possible diabetes that are somewhat more expected to draw attention and result in a diagnosis.

Losing weight without trying, unexplained weight loss is another possible sign of diabetes but again, it is not a significant denotation that the individual has diabetes. In most cases, people who want to lose weight would regard this an unexpected blessing and might not consult their doctor unless they had lost a considerable amount of weight over a period of time.

Blurred vision or the Diabetic Retinopathy. Diabetic retinopathy is one of a number of eye conditions that affects diabetics and it is responsible for damage to the blood vessels in the eye. This affects the ability to focus. These tiny blood vessels nourishes the retina at the back of the eye. If there is a high level of sugar in blood, the blood vessels of retina may subject to damage. Once diabetic is treated and the blood sugar levels is reduced, the vision should improve. Diabetes can also cause new blood vessels to form in the retina, over a period of years.

Tingling or numbness in limbs. These occurs bit by bit over time as consistently high glucose in the blood eventually with the poor blood circulation, it will start affecting the efficiency of nervous system and damages the system, particularly in the extremities.

Flu-like symptoms. Diabetes can occasionally experience as if a viral illness, with fatigue, weakness and loss of appetite. Sugar is the body's main fuel, and when it doesn't reach the cells feeling of tireness and weakness may occur.