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Memory Supplement Using Insulin

United States researchers discovered that supplying insulin up the noses of early forms of Alzheimer patients show signs of improving their memory.

Insulin is a hormone that is required for the communication between brain cells and is required for brain functionality.

A four months insulin treatment for the patients showed improvements in memory recall during the test which lasted for two months. These findings are very promising and they could warrant future trials.

The test consists of 109 non-diabetic patients with Alzheimer disease or a precursor condition, which is known as mild cognitive impairment. The experiment is to see what would happen if insulin is directly delivered to the brain.

The patients received different doses of insulin supply directly up their nose twice daily for four months using a nebuliser loaded with insulin.

The patients who received lesser dose of insulin display significant sign of improvements on all primary measurements of thinking, memory and their ability to perform daily activities.

Currently no Alzheimer’s drug have been shown to improve memory, more tests and treatments are required to ascertain that memory supplement using insulin.

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