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Children's Diabetes

Children's diabetes Is not common, but there are labeled variations across the world:
* 3 per 100,000 children develop daibetes in Japan
* 43 per 100,000 children in Finland
* 17 children per 100,000 develop diabetes each year, in England and Wales
* The figure in Scotland is 25 per 100,000

There have been a threefold increase in the number of cases of children's diabetes in the last 30 years.

Type 2 diabetes has been seen for the first time in young people in Europe and America. This is likely caused by the increasing trend towards obesity in the society. But obesity doesn't explicate the increase in the numbers of Type 1 diabetes in children - who comprise the majority of fresh cases.

The causes of childhood diabetes is not realised. It likely involves a combination of genes and environmental activates. It seen that the majority of children who develop Type 1 don't have a family history of diabetes.

The main symptoms for children's diabetes are the similar to the adults. The symptoms tend to come on over a few weeks:
* frequent urination
* thirst
* tiredness
* weight loss

Symptoms that are more distinctive for children include:
* behaviour problems
* tummy pains
* headaches

It's crucial to give your child a healthy balanced diet which is high in fibre and carbohydrates. A healthy diet should be equivalent for everyone, whether or not they bear diabetes. How much a child should eat depends on age and weight. The dietician and parents should determine this together. Sweets are no more off restrains because the 'diabetic diet' is now a relic of the past. Once children gets to know how their body responds to eating and taking insulin, sweets in moderation are possible - accompanied by the appropriate dose of insulin.

Physical activity is crucial for children with diabetes, they should try to exercise every day. Physical activity will lower the blood sugar level, so if insulin is taken, reduction in dose may be required. This is because a combination of too much insulin and exercise can lower the blood sugar level and lead to hypos. To anticipate this, children should always carry sugar while exercising. Physical activity will also affects how much the child can eat. Give extra bread, juice or other carbohydrates before the child exercises or plays any sport.

A child who gets diabetes will live with the condition longer than someone who develops diabetes in adulthood. The longer diabetes is acquaint, the higher the risk of long-term complications like those involving the eyes and kidneys. These complications can start after puberty, but are usually a concern only in their later life. Regular checkups for late-stage complications should begin around the age of nine and it should be done annually.

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