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Diabetes Blood Sugar Log

Diabetes blood sugar log registers vital data about your day-to-day blood sugar variations. Basic information includes the date, the time of day, before or after a meal, the glucose reading and any notes concerning hypoglycemic or hyperglycemic symptoms. Keeping a log of your diet is also recommended, like noting protein, fat and carbohydrate intake and subsequent effects on your blood sugar.

Decide if you want to keep your log on paper, on your computer or on your smart phone. It's important that you select a method that works for your lifestyle. If you decide to keep a log on paper, simply download and print a glucose log from a respected site such as the American Diabetes Association or the Center for Disease Control, which have free forms available. You can use a spreadsheet program to design and personalize a form that suits your needs if you want to keep a log on your computer. You can also use an app for your smart phone that lets you record your glucose levels. There are free and paid applications that can make comparison charts and track your levels over time.

Diabetes blood sugar log allow you to track the changes in your blood glucose readings. This is helpful for recognizing what kind of food can step-up your blood glucose and what lowers it. Also it is good in knowing what kind of exercise can help lower the amount of the glucose in the blood. Making a blood glucose or sugar log book will be very useful for many things including taking it to the doctor for a look over.

Benefits of Diabetes Blood Sugar Log:
Keeping a blood sugar log can mean the difference between life and death for someone who has problems often controlling diabetes. Diabetes blood sugar log sheets can come in handy when others are trying to help diabetes, someone is going for a check-up regarding their diabetes or someone who may be new to having diabetes so that they can keep an eye on their sugar level through self monitoring.

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